Welcome to the ZeitHeist
Information moves through and between us. Sometimes bits come together that give us more than a hint. Instead they string several beads on the thread of time. And in those moments – call them intuition, flashes of insight – one can pull at that thread, and yank out, if not the exact future, a good fuzzy image of it.
Science, trends, news all flow into one current. This blog is a place where I can store and share my visions and ideas. Sometimes these are one step ahead of the zeitgeist. And that step ahead helps us steal a little bit more time.
This blog was originally set-up many years ago. The last iteration was sacrificed to self-censorship and fear. The ZeitHeist’s resurrection was prompted by the Covid19 pandemic. Everyone knows what it’s like to be scared now, so all can understand bravery – and error – too.